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Camping 101

The world is chock-full of wonders, it’s just a matter of finding them. 

However, if you ask me, the most awe-inspiring, staggering vistas and views can be had from a tent. Getting back to nature, living and breathing the freshest of airs, where the only noise disturbances are animals and the wind, and the only light pollution is the air, that’s where you can find your breath being snatched. But it isn’t all amazement, it can be challenging too. Then again, the best things in life are worth fighting for.


Always start with a plan. Know where you are going, what the weather is like, how much the temperature drops, whether you’ll be in a campsite or wild camping, is there fresh water, what is the phone signal like, are there any threats you need to know about, is it worth turning into a road trip? There is a lot to take on. But it is all important. Check out  and see what they suggest in the way of survival guides. The more you plan for, the less risk you put yourself at, and the more you will enjoy your experience.

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Packing the right equipment for your trip is the difference between things being a breeze or a disaster of epic proportions. Tip number one – if you’re wild camping, go with something lightweight and durable, and if you’re hoping to enjoy some luxury then always get a tent bigger than you think; a three-man tent for three people will not be comfortable. Make sure you have a decent sleeping bag to keep you warm at night, and a nice mattress to sleep on; it doesn’t matter if this is a foam sheet or an inflatable bed, but there’s nothing worse than waking up at 3am in the morning only to find that you’re slowly freezing to death. Have everything you need for cooking, while always remembering that gadgets can malfunction; that includes gas stoves. As such, have a pot you can place on a fire and know recipes that only require one pot (friendly old beans!). Lighting is also important, so have a head torch, or a few head torches, and know some good hacks to get the most out of it. For example, if you get a big translucent water bottle, fill it with water and strap your head-torch around it facing in – you’ll have build an amazing camp light.

Camping Mug | Backpacking with Bacon | Camping Blog


You can always take layers off, but you can’t just magic up extra layers. Remember that. As for footwear, style is irrelevant out in nature, so make sure you have comfortable hiking boots, preferably ones that have been worn in. Unworn boots will just hurt and cause blisters. It doesn’t matter how amazing the sights, if you’re in agony, they are not going to impress you. That includes Petra!

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