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Turning Vacay Dreams Into A Reality

Whether you travel a lot or not, the chances are that still have a few things on the bucket list. It could be a do-before-you-die experience in a far-flung place, or it could simply be the destination itself. Either way, you’re going to need to start somewhere with your planning. 

The Time Is Now

Most often the reason we don’t do something is because of ourselves. We decide it’s not the right time, we decide we aren’t ready. There is too much work, it is someone’s birthday soon, you’ll do it in give years from now. We pile on the excuses, but really we’ll never be truly free of all these issues at any one time. It will always be someone’s birthday, work will always be busy, and tomorrow never comes. So it’s time to pick a date – set it in stone – and go for it. 


There are probably a lot of places that you want to see. Once you have decided on a date, it is time to decide on a place. Write down 10 places that you have to see. For each of those places write down five things you want to see in the surrounding area. Now, start ranking them. Use the surroundings to help you make the tough decisions. 

Start doing some research, google for reviews, and photos of where it is you want to go. Start checking on prices for the experiences or available hotels and motels, or get fancy and check out beachside rentals learn more at

Over the course of a few weeks, or maybe even a weekend if you are a dedicated researcher, you will have a rough ‘all in’ amount for each location. So if you have a budget to consider, and most people do, then you are going to be able to have a clearer idea of which of the places will work for you. 

You should also be sure to check different times of the year. Some places are cheaper just at the end of their peak season, others have better weather in certain months. So think about the extra details that are going to make a difference to you. 

Travel plan| Turning Vacay Dreams Into A Reality | Backpacking with Bacon

Big Money

Sometimes, aside from the hotel, there are a few more expensive things that you might want to add on, whether you are going somewhere that has some limited guide-only areas, or perhaps a restaurant that is Michelin starred where it is hard to get reservations.

Now you have your deadline date, it’s time to breakdown that big total into smaller manageable saving goals. Break it down by week or month, so you know what you need to put away in order to make you dream a reality. 

Use penny jars, automatic saving applications, sell things you don’t need, and always keep a photo of your travel location somewhere you can see it. Keeping that image with you will mean that when you are close to making late-night purchases or don’t want to put your money away this week, you’ll be reminded why you are doing this. 

Sunglasses on a book stack | Turning Vacay Dreams Into A Reality | Backpacking with Bacon

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